
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How To Lose Weight Quickly On Low GI Diet

How To Lose Weight Quickly On Low GI Diet

In a hurry to lose weight? It's possible to lose weight quickly and permanently in 21 days. If you follow the heed of celebrities like Sharon Stone and Kylie Minogue, one way to lose weight quickly is to follow the low GI diet or low glycemic index diet. So how does the low GI diet work?

How The Low GI Diet Works

The low glycemic index diet or low GI Diet is strictly not a diet, but a more conscious way of eating that requires making smart food choices and changing some old eating habits. This is how it works:
First, eliminate the "bad" carbs from your meals - and start eating the right carbohydrates.

Eating the right carbohydrates means - eating more low GI foods or low glycemic index foods. Instead of potatoes, chips and pasta, try boiled chickpeas, green peas, lentil soup, and steamed stir-fried green vegetables. Instead of white bread and donuts for breakfast, opt for rye bread and whole oats porridge. They make deliciously healthy low GI foods.
Secondly, be disciplined to stick strictly to eating low GI foods during the first phase of this natural weight loss plan. Duration: three to six months.
Thirdly, add medium GI foods only during the second phase of the natural weight loss plan when you have started losing weight and want to maintain your weight.
Fourthly, avoid high GI foods if you want to lose weight easily, permanently and quickly.
Lastly, engage in simple exercises like walking three times a week, 20 to 30 minutes each.

Easy Step-By-Step Guide To Low GI Diet

Lose Weight Quickly With The Low GI Diet Breakthrough
Lose Weight Quickly With The Low GI Diet Breakthrough
For an easy step-by-step guide on the Low GI Diet, just click here <--------
Nutritionist Wesley Atkin's Low GI Diet Breakthrough eBook will give you all the tools to lose weight quickly and permanently. The eBook also includes 75 low GI recipes and a low glycemic index food list. You have nothing to lose and there is no risk for trying it out. Because there is a 60-day money back guarantee.

Low GI Diet Keeps Blood Sugar Levels Under Control

The low GI diet is a proven method to regain control of your blood sugar levels and prevent insulin surge which causes stress and imbalances in the body. Erratic blood sugar levels are a major cause of weight gain.
It happens when we overload our body with high GI foods, which are largely processed and refined foods. High GI foods are super fast to digest; we feel instant energy highs after eating a rich carbohydrate meal. Now you know why you always crave for a second donut, even a third!
But the energy soon dissipates and we feel hungry again. The body instinctively craves for the same high GI foods for instant comfort. Another donut!
Low GI foods, on the other hand, release energy slowly, which has a balancing effect on our blood sugar levels. We eat less and we have less cravings when we eat more low GI foods. This is how to lose weight easily without overworking the pancreas.

Not All Low GI Foods Are Created Equal

One tip though: Choose low GI foods carefully because not all low GI foods are created equal. Some low GI foods are very high in carbohydrate content which means you may end up eating way too much carbohydrates. There is another measurement that takes into account the carbohydrate content of a particular food- the glycemic load.

Low GI Diet With Low Glycemic Load

To lose weight quickly and permanently, you should choose primarily low GI foods with an overall low glycemic load. Use the low glycemic index food list as your guide. Together with a daily walking plan – and a cheerful disposition, you can easily achieve your weight loss goal.

About The Glycemic Index Scores

Use the glycemic index food list as a guide to help you make smart food choices. Look out for these numbers:
Glycemic Index 70 or more means high glycemic index (GI)
56 to 69 means medium GI
55 or less means low GI
Wesley Atkins' Low GI Diet Breakthrough eBook comes with low GI recipes and glycemic index food lists.

Want To Lose Weight Quickly? AVOID these high GI foods!

Avoid these high GI foods to lose weight quickly
Avoid these high GI foods to lose weight quickly
How to lose weight quickly and permanently? Avoid this list of foods on the glycemic index food list. Only eat them as occasional treats.

  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Muffins
  • Bagels
  • Doughnuts
  • Puffed cereals
  • Cornflakes
  • Rice Krispies
  • Corn chips
  • Jellybeans
  • Fries
  • Baked Potatoes
  • Soda

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